Anthony Weiner Twitter Scandal: 3 Reasons Why Honesty Is the Best Policy

The Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal is one of the persistent "rave" news clips of everyday American life. The story just seems to get BIGGER! Congressman Weiner, along with his questionable Twitter messages, often monopolizes many of the news channels and keeps burning up Internet band width! Even replacing Sarah Palin's "One Nation" American Bus Tour, Congressman Weiner is in the "lime light" of the media. In a sense, I can see why.

I believe that plenty of mainstream Americans are so enamored by these types of "sex scandals." But, why? I believe they follow the details - galore - because they are more interested in another person's dysfunctional lifestyle...providing them a "break" from their own drama and pain.

I know...I've been there!!

However dramatized or painful your life may become, I sincerely believe that honesty is the best policy! First, being honest with yourself, then others. I'm not referring to the way "honesty" was portrayed during the "wedding toasting"in the pseudo comic-dramatic movie, "The Dilemma." I'm speaking of sincere honesty that creates reconciliation, solutions and trust. There's no question that this sort of "honesty" is what's been missing in the Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal.

Whether sender or recipient of the Twitter messages, or whichever side you support, this story could have remained "low-keyed" had honesty ruled supreme...a needed priority for a Congressional lifestyle. So, where does this lesson, story, or dysfunctional masquerade leave us?

3 Reasons Why Honesty Is the Best policy

Reason 1: Character Is Crucial For Success

I believe that developing character is one reason why honesty is the best policy. When it comes to this Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal, Congressman Weiner has unfortunately damaged any credibility and character by allegedly lying about the extent of the Twitter scandal. More women tend to coming forward, testifying to his misconduct as a viable and trusted Congressman.

James Leggett once stated that, "Reputation is made in a moment. Character is built in a lifetime." In just that one moment of greed, lustful desire, or slanderous act, someone's character can be ruined. Ruined for life!

Because character is key for your success and you're discovering why honesty is the best policy, it's important to know that true, genuine leaders, are those who...

"...are more concerned with doing the right thing than they are doing things right. Right methods without right motives are shallow at best and evil at their worst. In the end, the great leader is not the person who can simply get the job done. It is the person who knows how to link motives with methods." (Toler, Stan; "Minute Motivators for Leaders-Quick Inspiration for the Time of Your Life, Publisher: David Cook, 2002, pg. 7)

Are you a leader who's doing the RIGHT thing? Appears that Congressman Anthony Weiner has not read the "memo."

Reason 2: People Are Progressively Watching

Realizing that people are consistently watching you is another reason why honesty is the best policy. As with any other high-profiled status, like a Congressman, the Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal has gained exposure because Congressman Weiner is a high-profile public figure. Of course people would be drawn to his calamity of poor choices. Thus, finding himself in the "loot" of late night comic conversations.

I believe it's vital here to realize that as your reputation in public and character grows, more and more people will watch you...watching HOW you react, respond, and live your life! Even more so, as people begin to "relate' to your STORY, they will progressively follow you...hence, a Twitter following!!

We must live above reproach in order to inspire a generation of people! Are you?

Reason 3: Transformation Must Begin with Trust

Building trust is one more reason why honesty is the best policy. One incredible lesson the Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal has taught us is that the American people find it difficult to trust the Congressman. Like deja vu of the Casey Anthony trial here in Orlando, people cannot trust Congressman's word because lies are profoundly rampant. As the Twitter scandal unfolds, more dishonesty and misconduct appears.

Winston Churchill once stated that, "the price for greatness is responsibility." Responsibility for any actions is key to developing trust in any type of relationship. I believe that true leaders are those who ask for forgiveness and act responsibly. As one who leads, I won't need you to tell me I'm wrong. More often than not, I will tell you that I'm wrong because I manifest in my own life a personal "openness" to honesty.

And because I choose to live my life this way, a transformation has taken place in my heart, allowing for others to TRUST what I do, say, and think. Congressman Weiner's actions have shown us that he most likely cannot be trusted.

Can you be trusted?

In Conclusion

Although the Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal may occupy some of your brain cells, thoughts, and "stolen" time of your day, may I remind you that the Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal can teach you something about a successful life: Develop character that adds value to people's lives because they are watching your life and will begin to trust you. As you begin to trust yourself to "do the right things," your transformation will lead a generation of a life of integrity and success...and that's why honesty is the best policy!

R Bryan Anthony is a Certified Online Marketer and Certified John C. Maxwell Coach, Trainer and Speaker (Aug. 2011 graduation) providing relevant solutions, mentoring, and value to home business owners and network marketers, encouraging them to create their own success story as they discover their own Secrets of Business Success.

Bryan teaches how to Start a Home Based Biz using Integrity and Well-Sought after business training. He believes it takes commitment, honesty, loyalty, and trust to have the faith to overcome any challenge.

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Anthony Weiner Twitter Scandal: 3 Reasons Why Honesty Is the Best Policy Anthony Weiner Twitter Scandal: 3 Reasons Why Honesty Is the Best Policy Reviewed by afree on 4:52 PM Rating: 5

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